NOTICE FOR MARCH 3-4, 2025: CFMA accounts will be inaccessible from 8 am on March 3, 2025, through 8 am on March 4, 2025, for maintenance. This may impact access to renew or join CFMA, Connection Café, CFMA's 2025 Annual Conference registration, BP Online, CFMA education, etc. Thank you for your patience, and please contact with any questions.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is in place to establish and implement active recruitment programs; strive to attain and maintain the goal of a 70/30 ratio of general members to associate members; and to involve CFMA members in identifying prospective members, and to follow-up in inactive members and retain members.
Chair: Justin Leisure
- Maintain Prospective Member/Member Database
- Identify & Recruit Members
- Promote CFMA at Industry Events
- Hold Membership Drives
- Membership Retention
- Integrate New Members to our Chapter
- Respond to inquiries regarding membership
Program Committee
The Program Committee develops and coordinates education programs dedicated to the purpose of improving the professional standards of construction financial managers. The programs are designed to enhance the role and promote the image of the construction financial manager.
Chair: Drew Brumbach
- Planning our monthly events for our program year (September through May)
- Coordinate Venue/Speaker/logistics
- Develop a budget and work with venue along with chapter admin
- Promote Events working with Chapter Administrator and Publicity Committee
- Explore and plan joint programs with like minded associations of the industry
- Provide event details to chapter admin and publicity committee to promote events
Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee promotes the Central PA CFMA Chapter and its membership through its website and social media.
Chair: Chapter Administrator
- Promote events through various media-Constant Contact/Social Media
- Maintain and update website content
- Add events to website in conjunction with the program committee
- Update board of directors on website
Golf and Charity Committee
The Golf and Charity Committee coordinates an annual golf outing. Proceeds from the golf outing allow charities to thrive. For past events we've helped The Boys and Girls Club of Lancaster.
Chair: Rob Striewig
- Set Date
- Develop a budget and work with chapter board for approval
- Coordinate event with venue
- Promote event along with the program and publicity committees
- Collect funds and registrations
- Solicit sponsorships
- Work with local charity of choice and coordinate recognition of charity at Golf Event